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HR App for Mobile Workforce Engagement


As a result of the catalytic shift in the way businesses run their operations caused by Covid-19, there is no longer running away from the adoption of online HR cloud solutions. With the advancement of technology and the evolving workforce, the human resources (HR) landscape has certainly moved into a new paradigm that emphasizes seamless management, recruitment, planning and scheduling that can positively impact business operations, employee experience and cross-border interactions. 

How can a manager track his team’s leave application to ensure that manpower allocation is optimised?

How can an employee apply for his leave while he is out-stationed?

How can a supervisor gather the schedules of all his shift-based workers in one source without searching through a thick file of documents?

What are the Changes in The HR Landscape?

Mobile Workforce

As we move into a new era when offices and employees are scattered across various locations, the need to manage resources can become increasingly difficult.  Organisations and employees alike, are no longer satisfied with being desk-bound.  They need to access information while on the move; they need to plan and execute projects around the clock.  Only solutions that embrace and strengthen these work patterns are keys to moving businesses to the next level. 

Employee Experience

Employees are the true asset of the company; they are probably the only asset that does not depreciate.  Organisations are beginning to understand that employees are the keys to making their business a success.  It is said that the skill of employees account for 85% of a company’s assets, with this in mind, keeping the employees’ journey within an organisation a positive one can literally make or break the company.

Technology Adoption

Leveraging technology is the first step to get ahead of the ever-changing HR landscape.  Human Resources department is the heart of any organization; it holds important information that can greatly affect employee experience.  This is why embracing technology and mobile applications (App) may be the only way to maintain accuracy and accessibility of this information.  Such tools will also allow employees and managers to access resources that they need for executing their tasks with higher precision. 

Benefits of Adopting HR App 

Adopting HR Applications as part of human resource management tools has been one of the most efficient methods of engaging the mobile workforce.  It is relatively inexpensive to implement, convenient to access, allows real-time reporting, and even simplifies HR processes such as leave applications.  HR apps such as JustLogin’s mobile app, are comprehensive solutions that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, as long as you have a mobile device.  Such apps combine many human resources functions in one single interface, hence streamlining workflow without using cumbersome and time-consuming manual processes.

Benefits for Managers

  1. Efficient team management – Allows managers to view employees’ leave request and full visibility of the team’s availability for faster planning and more effective human resource allocation. 

  2. Greater flexibility – Managers can retrieve employees’ information at their own convenience.  They can also receive real-time updates without relying on outdated paper documents.

  3. Ease of cross-border management – Managers can monitor employees’ attendance even when they are not located in the same geographical location; an important benefit for mobile workforce engagement.

Benefits for Employees

  1. Enhanced communications – Employees can easily gain access to co-workers’ contact details hence eliminating the time-consuming process of tracking down the information.

  2. Greater convenience – Employees can manage their leave status at their own convenience.  This is especially beneficial for those who travel extensively for work and seldom get a chance to manage these applications from the office.

  3. Faster access and greater confidentiality – Employees can access their salary updates on a real-time basis.  This eliminates the need to visit the HR office for a copy of the payslip, hence saving time and cumbersome paperwork.

Useful Features of HR App

Here are some key features that are available in JustLogin’s mobile HR App.

Leave Application and Tracking

Employees can apply and cancel leave anytime, anywhere. The feature also allows them to check their leave balances and entitlements through the leave summary that is available in the App.  On the other hand, the feature allows managers to access shared leave calendars on their mobile device for easy tracking.

Time Attendance

Employees can use this feature to track their work schedule and even clock in or out.  It is a useful tool especially for shift-based workers.  For managers, the Time Attendance feature enables them to monitor employees’ performance even when they are not physically present. 

Contact Directory

Employees can gain access to co-workers’ contact details just by logging into the App.  Such a feature can even allow sending of email or messages, and making direct phone calls to another employee.

Payroll Updates

Request for payslips is one of the most common issues encountered by HR Managers.  This feature allows employees to access their payslip anywhere, anytime.  It even allows them to download the documents!

A Better Solution for Workforce Engagement

With the ever-changing HR landscape, deploying technology to enhance HR management is probably the wisest thing to do.  With the workforce becoming more mobile and less predictable, engaging tools that can provide seamless and mobile access will be the most effective solution for now and even into the future.  A successful company needs effective tools to enhance their processes, it is with such foresight that many industries are leveraging technology to create a more successful path for them, HR management should not be an exception. 

To get started, contact JustLogin, an award-winning HR management software consultancy firm with more than 19 years.  JustLogin has a full range of HR software solutions that are scalable, secure and efficient; perfect for SMEs that are ready to optimise their human resource management.



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