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Writing on Computer


July Updates 2019



Cost Center Integration with Xero

You may now map each pay element for different cost centers into respective account code and transfer them to Xero. The current cost centers provide a detail mapping of pay elements as compared to earlier version where pay elements are lumped in a group. For Xero integration to work, go to ‘Accounting Software’ tab-> GL Account Code Setup-> Tick the check box on integrate with cost centre-> double tick the checkbox again at final ‘Transfer to Xero’ tab

Duplicate NRIC/FIN Logic Check

To enforce a clean and precise employee database best practice for companies, users can only enter a unique NRIC/FIN number to every employee info. If the same NRIC ID has been keyed into more than 1 employee profile, admin users will encounter the following:

New HK MPF Approved Trustee

For HK users, a new MPF approved trustee ‘Sun Life Trustee Company Limited’ has been added to JustLogin’s system. To view available MPF approved trustees, click Epayroll-> ePayroll > Payroll Setup > Company MPF Trustee List. JustLogin’s system currently has 4 approved MPF trustees namely:

-Sun Life Trustee Company Limited

-HSBC Provident Fund Trustee Limited

-Manulife Provident Funds Trust Company Limited

-AIA Company Trustee Limited

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to JustLogin’s support team:


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