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Get Ready for 2021


We’ve made it to the end of 2020 and are looking forward to an even better 2021! We’d just like to provide our customers a few updates in regards to our HR modules to prepare themselves for the new year.

Revving Up Your Leave Engine For 2021

1. Setting up Public Holidays Calendar for 2021

Please note that your public holiday calendar will need to be updated  to allow employees to apply leave for 2021 – it’s just a simple one-click process! You may visit the link here, for a detailed guide  on how to do that.

2. Transferring leave balances from 2020 to 2021:

JustLeave  automates the annual task of carrying forward any leave balances to the following year for you. On 31st December, your employees’ annual leave will be automatically rolled over into the new year based on your leave transfer policies. However, please note that Leave Admins will need to set up the parameters for their leave transfer policies. If this is your first year carrying forward leave with JustLeave or you would like to change your leave transfer policies, please update your policy settings before 31st December and please ensure that there are no pending leave applications on 31st December. For a step-by-step guide, you may visit the link here.

End-of-Year Payroll Matters

1. IRAS Submission

Around this time of year, it is advisable to begin the process of submitting your IRAS tax files. This includes employee earnings and tax forms for all employees who are employed in Singapore. JustLogin users are able to directly submit tax files from JustPayroll to IRAS. Employers with 6 or more employees for the entire year ending 31 Dec 2020 are required under the Auto-Inclusion Scheme (AIS) to submit the tax forms electronically. In order for you to do a direct submission, you must join the AIS scheme. It is also important to take note that you will need a CorpPass account to log in in order to make the submission.

For a step-by-step guide, please visit the links below:

Please make sure to submit all relevant files before the deadline of 1st March 2021.

2. IRAS Training is available (it’s free!)

If you’re a first-time user of JustLogin and will need more guidance on how to file income tax for your staff, fret not! We run free virtual IRAS training for our customers from Dec 2020 to Feb 2021 where we will provide you with personal direction on how to prepare your Employees’ Employment Income Submission through JustPayroll and answer any lingering questions that you may have. You may register for it here.

3. End of year CPF adjustments  

If you see that an extra CPF amount is being paid, don’t fret! Please note that based on our system calculation, there will be an automatic adjustment in December if you have underpaid or overpaid CPF throughout the year due to AW calculations based on OW projections. For an in-depth guide on how this happens, please click here.

4. Submissions of your CPF contributions will only be accepted electronically from 1 January 2021

Please note that the CPF Board will no longer accept hardcopy CPF submissions from e-registered employers from 1 January 2021. Any payment made using hardcopy CPF submissions will be refunded to you within 30 days. 

Hence, please submit your CPF contribution details using CPF e-Submit@Web and pay electronically. CPF contributions are due at the end of every month. Late payment interest of 1.5% per month starting from the first day of the following month will apply if CPF contributions are not submitted and paid electronically by 14th of the following month.

If you have been submitting your CPF contributions electronically, please continue to do so and you will not be affected by this change. For a guide on how to generate your CPF file on JustPayroll for e-submission, please refer here.

New Year, New Benefits

1. Transferring Benefits into the Next Year

Please note in order to carry forward your employee’s benefit allowance, you will need to make a manual update through eBenefit. You may visit the link here, for a step-by-step process on how to do that.

So that’s all the year end updates we have for you for 2020. If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out to our CX team who is readily available to help you whenever you’re in need. We’d like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at JustLogin! About JustLogin

For happy HR, bosses and employees, you want a platform that can help your team remain productive and focused, while providing excellent employee experiences that impresses and retains talent. JustLogin is the HR employee experience platform that delivers both through a comprehensive suite of HR applications.


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